Your morning assignments are complete, now what?
Even after you’ve created your morning rounding lists, the work isn’t complete. You still have to:
- Assign patients throughout the day
- Update new provider relationships
- Update and move patients onto specific rounding teams
- Log into multiple places to get an accurate view of your census (ER admits, ICU downgrades, etc.)
The result? A lot of wasted time for physicians, nurses and support staff, and delayed clinical rounding time.
We have shadowed patient assignment workflows at many acute care facilities from small medical centers to large academic medical centers and found it’s an area that is perfectly lined up for real-time integration updates.
When you transition from manual patient assignment processes to Medaptus Assign, our automated patient assignment solution, there’s a key area that shouldn’t be overlooked. In order to reap the full benefits of the software (and avoid manual work once the rounding list is complete), the software needs to communicate with your EHR (aka, the source of truth). This seamless integration ensures that all your data is synced, which we know can often be a clinical and technical challenge in a hospital setting.
With our “EHR Outbound Interface,” we can automatically populate your rounding lists AND update the patient/provider relationships directly in your EHR. Whether you use EPIC, Cerner, Meditech (or any other system), we can remove an often-overlooked manual burden so that after you create your rounding lists, the work really is complete – a true labor savings across many departments.
Why this is complex and important:
- Registration, bed management and even doctors themselves are spending countless hours a week updating their rounding lists and provider relationships.
- Anytime there is a new attending or consult established, it takes manual intervention to update your EHR system.
- Provider handoff is another scenario that requires manual effort such as in these scenarios:
- Patient transitioning care from daily shift change: Nocturnist -> Day Hospitalist
- Patient transitioning care due to a weekly/biweekly shift change
- Nursing units rely on timely updates to start their rounds. Nurses often have their own subset of morning assignments and it’s crucial for them to know which attending provider is responsible for patient care. Not having this information readily available (or delayed) can have a negative impact on patient care and internal communication.
- NP/APP – The growth of the NP/APP role has been massive over the last five years in the hospital setting. While NPs and APPs can round on patients alone, they often do so under the guidance of an attending provider. APPs typically work directly with an attending provider or work with a subset of multiple attending providers.
Integrating Medaptus assignment data automatically in your EHR will:
- Save on labor time and eliminate manual data entry
- Streamline nursing rounds and internal communication
- Allow APPs to start their day and appropriately create their own assignment lists as needed
How we do it: Meditech, EPIC, Cerner and more
After your rounding lists are created in Medaptus, we send that information to your registration system and/or EHR via an HL7 interface message. The following are just some of the EHRs/Modules we can integrate with:
Meditech – ADM, PCM
Whether you are on Version Magic, CS, 5x, 6x or Expanse, Medpatus can send our attending updates to the Meditech ADM module. From there, your providers can use the rounding list of their choice within Meditech and will see accurate patient updates.
EPIC – Prelude, Treatment Teams or Care Teams
During the sales process, we typically uncover two areas which need updating in the EPIC EHR. Often, just updating the prelude registration module is not enough. Treatment teams and care teams are another area in EPIC that is heavily managed by a manual process. The Medaptus integration can specifically target these teams’ lists and update them automatically (no more dragging and dropping)
Cerner – RCM, Power Chart & Millennium
Cerner Power Chart & Millennium are often used for creating patient lists and managing rounding reports. Often, users are dragging and dropping patients each morning to create these lists which is a labor-intensive process. This is another area Medatpus can help streamline by either directly interfacing into Power Chart Patient Lists and/or updating the physician relationship in real-time.
Integration with your EHR is an important final step to completing the Medaptus assignment solution and getting maximum value from the solution, including:
- Increased efficiency and timeliness of rounding list creation
- Reduced labor costs
- Improved downstream communication
- Increased discharge opportunities
Learn more about the Medaptus Assign solution
What’s next?
- Check out A day/night in the life of a nocturnist [Infographic]
- Download our eBook: The Hidden Costs of Manual Patient Assignment eBook
- See how Medaptus can help, contact us to book a demo
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